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PACS108: Pacific Worlds: An Introduction to Pacific Islands Studies
Credits: 3
PACS 108 introduces students to the geography, societies, histories, cultures, contemporary issues, and arts of Oceania, including Hawai'i. Combines lectures and discussion that emphasize Pacific Islander perspectives and experiences.
Prereq: Qualification for ENG 100., Coreq: -

PACS201: Islands of Globalization
Credits: 3
PACS 201 examines the nature and impact of globalization on Pacific Island societies, viewed from the perspective of islanders who engage with global forces and processes and create strategies to survive.
Prereq: Qualification for ENG 100., Coreq: -

PACS202: Pacific Islands Movement and Migration
Credits: 3
PACS 202 examines the diaspora of Pacific Islanders. Through community engagement and cultural, social, political and economic lenses, groups of Pacific Islanders living in places other than their homelands will be explored.
Prereq: Qualification for ENG 100., Coreq: -